Strategy Articles

Walter Trice - Strategy Articles
GammonLife Columnist Walter Trice was one of the USA's Top 10 players and an author of books, several programs and numerous backgammon articles published worldwide over many years. His famous book, Backgammon Boot Camp, can be purchased online. Walter Trice passed away on August 23, 2009. May he rest in peace. Walter wrote 10 strategy articles for - click here to go to his section.

François Tardieu - Strategy Articles
GammonLife Columnist François Tardieu of France is a three-time Backgammon Champion of Europe and was #3 on the 32 Giants of Backgammon list. In 2006, he also won the European Doubles Consulting Championships with Serge Rived. François contributed two articles on advanced strategy to us. Read them by clicking here, where there is also info on Tardieu's new book "Backgammon - Strategic Concepts".

Frank Frigo - GammonLife Columnist
GammonLife Columnist Frank Frigo won the title of World Champion of Backgammon in 1994 and again in 2023 at the World Backgammon Championships in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Frank wrote two articles for GammonLife in 2006 comparing certain aspects of backgammon with poker. The articles are "About Luck and Skill in Backgammon and Poker" and What Lies Beyond the Board?" Read more...